F&S Scientific offers different lines of -80 °C lab ULT freezers to meet a variety of needs. Depending on the approach, there are different questions to answer before you select your Ultra-Low-Temperature freezer, also known as ULT freezer to store your freezer boxes and your valuable samples
F&S Scientific offers a wide range of high-quality, durable and dependable temperature control and mixing instruments to cover all requirements. 50 years of experience in the field of mixing and temperature control, and continuous further development, have made their mark in this generation of products.
Solutions Built to Enhance Your Allergen Control Plan. F&S Scientific offers both quantitative ELISA and qualitative lateral flow diagnostic testing solutions for rapid allergen detection. These solutions are designed to detect low levels of allergen in a wide variety of sample types and be used as part of your allergen control plan.
We provide you with a wide range of qualitative and quantitative test kits to cover all of your testing needs. We also offer full-service mycotoxin support, including remote training with LabLive, troubleshooting assistance, procedure pages, Proficiency Testing programs, 24/7 global customer assistance, and ISO-accredited labs — all to enhance your mycotoxin testing program.
Instruments for trace analysis of metals and other electrochemically active substances with voltammetry, polarography, and CVS i.e Professional CVS, Professional VA and Portable VA Analyzer.
F&S Scientific is a leading provider of laboratory and field testing solutions in East Africa. We serve
customers in Healthcare, Industries, Research and Academia