F&S Scientific offers a wide range of high-quality, durable and dependable temperature control and mixing instruments to cover all requirements. 50 years of experience in the field of mixing and temperature control, and continuous further development, have made their mark in this generation of products.
Instruments for trace analysis of metals and other electrochemically active substances with voltammetry, polarography, and CVS i.e Professional CVS, Professional VA and Portable VA Analyzer.
Instruments for measuring the oxidation stability of biodiesel and its blends, natural oils/fats and fat-containing foodstuffs or the PVC thermostability. We offer three dedicated stability measurement instruments for stability measurement: the Rancimat for the assessment of the induction time or oxidation stability index (OSI) of fat-containing foodstuffs, cosmetics, and natural fats and oils; the Biodiesel Rancimat for oxidation stability testing of biodiesel; and the PVC Thermomat for thermal stability testing of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and other chlorine-containing polymers by means of the dehydrochlorination test (DHC).
Advanced process analyzers for industrial inline, online, and atline analysis: petrochemical, energy, semiconductor, metal, paper, mining, and (waste)water applications.
KF titrators and accessories for volumetric and coulometric water content determination in liquid, solid, or gaseous samples. Get the complete range from compact benchtop solutions to modular automated systems including accessories and software for volumetric and coulometric Karl Fischer titration from one supplier.
Eco Titrator is the economic titrator for all standard potentiometric titration applications. Its intuitive touch display and the direct keys for controlling the stirrer speed enable everyone at your lab to perform a titration.
The use of UV transilluminators for the detection of DNA or RNA in agarose gels, is still very common, although we know quite well that the shorter the wavelength is, the more the DNA will be damaged quickly, which is dangerous especially if the separated DNA should be used in downstream experiments like cloning or sequencing. Just seconds of UV light is enough to reduce the cloning efficiency significantly.
In contrast to UV instruments, the new innovative LED technology uses a much higher wavelength, which means energy-less light. This will lead to the fact that the nucleic acids are not damaged but sometimes sensitivity is lower as compared to UV light. Furthermore, regular BLUE LED technology is working well with green dyes but couldn’t be recommended with red dyes like Ethidium Bromide, because the longer wavelength is favourable for green dyes but not for red components.
The VARIANTnbs is the established worldwide standard in automated newborn screening for sickle cell disease and other haemoglobin disorders. It features fully automated analysis and advanced result reporting for maximum efficiency. Using dried blood spot specimens, the VARIANTnbs identifies the most clinically significant haemoglobin variants, including haemoglobins F, S, A, C, D and E, as well as the carrier status for abnormal haemoglobin variants and many double-heterozygote conditions. The VARIANTnbs provide the total haemoglobin picture.
F&S Scientific is a leading provider of laboratory and field testing solutions in East Africa. We serve
customers in Healthcare, Industries, Research and Academia